Nursery have had the cutest visitors this week. Eggs arrived on the 24th April and by the end of the week we had eight chicks in the nursery. The children have enjoyed watching them grow and change and learning all about them. We sadly had to say goodbye to them today but have loved having them with us.

This week the children have come back to an awesome surprise. We have got new playground markings on our play ground. We hope the children are enjoying playing with them.


We had a fantastic time at the end of last term celebrating Easter. We had some amazing entires to our Easter bonnet competition and to our egg designing competition.

We visited St Micheal’s Church On Thursday 30th March  for an Easter celebration. The children sang beautifully, read the Easter story,  prayers and poems. We were joined by Reverend Jenny Camm.  We were very proud of the children and had a lovely celebration.

KS2 at Great Coates are currently in an Accelerated Reader Word Count Competition! The children read books and are then quizzed, electronically using the Accelerated Reader Programme. For every book quiz passed the children’s word count is added to the class total! The children in the winning class will each win a prize the child with the highest word count in each year group will win a large Easter egg! The teachers will also nominate a student who has made the most effort in their class.  So far most of our Key Stage 2 classes have read over 1 million words and one class has read 3 and a half million. The children are getting very competitive. 


If you require any information regarding Waddles Nursery please see our poster attached.

On 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day. It was a brilliant day. The children have shared their favourite books, learnt about the Children’s Laureate, Joseph Coelho, and done some incredible writing, reading and artwork.  At the end of the day, the children moved around the school and chose a book they would love to hear read from a different teacher.

Here are two peoms written by some of our children, in the style of Joseph Coelho, on World Book Day


What I Like to Eat

A little bit of poppadom,

a little bit of pringles crunching  while  I mingle.


A little bit of lollies and a little bot of spice, tingling  in my mouth while  I catch mice.


A little bit of plum and a little bit of cream

swirling in my mouth in my dream.


A little bit of  bourbon, a little bit of hot chocolate `hot` ` hot` 1 sip and I am done .


A little bit of apple, a little bit of  watermelon

`yum`   ` yum`  in my tum

Marnie.M and Summer.K



Hopefully that’s enough for me


A little bit of ice cream, a little bit of jelly,

hopefully it all fits in my belly,


A little bit of nacho, a little bit of cheese ,

hopefully that’s enough for me,


A little bit of pizza a little bit of chicken

I will eat it like I I’m wild,


A little bit of chocolate ,a little bit of cookie,

hopefully it doesn’t taste yucky,


A little bit of cake a little bit of custard,

if mum walks in I’ll be busted






We have been SO lucky! We have had a visit from our friends at Morrisons.  Our school has been nominated to receive fabulous books donated from Head Office. Thanks to everyone that suggested our school. The books are a welcome addition to our library.

On Friday 27th January a group of Year 5 and 6 children visited Fierce Elite Cheerleading Academy for a day of cheerleading workshops. The pupils spent the afternoon preparing and performing a cheerleading routine and had an amazing time.

We had a fantastic time on Friday 20th January at our Lunar New Year celebrations. The children took part in activities during the day to learn about Chinese culture and the yearly celebrations, including writing about the Chinese New Year story,  descriptions of chinese dragon dances,  creating Chinese lanterns and attempting Chinese writing. All pupils tasted chinese food and said it was delicious. This day is a part of our new programme of enrichment events which we will be taking part in to cover social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.

2nd February 2023

Each class has a worry monster. Children can share their worries using the classroom worry monster. They can do this anonymously or use their name. Mrs Billingham, our learning mentor, or the class teacher will be able to talk to the pupil or have a discussion in the class circle time.

We also have now introduced Trusted Trev.  Certain members of staff carry a small worry monster on their lanyard. Pupils can talk to any adult with a Trusted Trev worry monster at any time about any worries they have. We will always listen and give time to children and support them in any way we can.