Our Academy


At Great Coates Primary School we offer a range of enrichment opportunities for our pupils.

Pupil Voice Activities
We encourage our pupils to play an active part in decision making in the school. We have a range of ways of enabling the children to do this

  • Student Ambassadors – Pupils vote for the member of their class who they would like to represent them on the school ambassador group. In the past, the student ambassadors have helped to organise fundraising for the school. They have decided on new playground markings and have awarded values certificates to pupils. Pupils are able to raise concerns through their student ambassadors.
  • Sports Leaders – We train some of our pupils to run lunchtime sports clubs (with supervision). These clubs encourage pupils to become more active and develop leadership skills in the older children who run them.
  • Reading Ambassadors – Reading ambassadors are pupils who have demonstrated a love of reading. They support pupils throughout
    the school with reading, through listening to them read, keeping the library areas tidy and helping the reading leader to encourage reading.
  • Student Assemblies – Pupils in the later years deliver assemblies to the rest of the school. This gives pupils confidence and encourages teamwork.

After School Clubs

Each day we offer out of school enrichment clubs to encourage pupils’ hobbies and interests. These clubs are changed on a termly basis.

Enrollment in clubs is done via completing the letter sent out to parents at the beginning of term. Allocation to clubs is made on a first come first served basis although we try to make this fair by giving places to as many children as we can. Many of our sports clubs are offered by trained sports coaches.

Examples of some of the clubs we offer throughout the year are: gymnastics, football, dodgeball, yoga, choir, finger knitting, art, drawing, craft, film, reading, board games.

Educational Visits

We have a programme of educational visits linked to our curriculum. Some visitors come into school to support the learning in the classroom, for example, The Fire Service, Egyptian workshop in year 3 and 4 and the key stage 1 planetarium visit.

In every year group, the pupils have an educational visit where they go out of school to take part in learning outside of the classroom. Examples of our educational visits are: Wilderspin Victorian School Museum at Barton, Hubbards Hills, Cleethorpes Beach, the Holocaust Museum at Newark, Hull Museum, The Collection at Lincoln. We take part in many inter school sports events throughout the year, as part of the North East Lincolnshire School Sports Partnership. This includes cricket, football, cheerleading and athletics events.

In Year 6, children visit an outdoor activities centre on a residential visit.

Harbour Learning Trust Events

The Harbour Learning Trust runs whole trust events to bring all the schools together. In 2023 we took part in a whole trust sports event and a whole trust theatre event at Lincoln Royal Theatre.

Yearly Themed Days

Throughout the year, we take part in a number of themed days or weeks. These include: World Book Day, Hello Yellow (World Mental Health Day), NSPCC Pants week, Safer Internet Day, Road Safety Week, Anti Bullying Week, World Empathy day, Easter Celebrations, Christmas Celebrations, Children in Need. We have a themed theatre studies week, where a travelling theatre visits the school.

Global Events Calendar

To further enrich our curriculum we have a four year rolling programme of global events. This enables us to deliver an even more broad curriculum that is relevant to our pupils’ lives and the current world we live in. We deliver planned themed days so that pupils get the opportunity to learn about many global celebrations, themes and events throughout their time at school. Please click here to see a full breakdown of our Global Events Calendar.