On Friday May 24th, all the pupils took part in an Olympics Day.

Each class learnt about a different Olympic sport and shared what they had learnt in an assembly, in the afternoon. We had impressive displays of karate, break dancing and rhythmic gymnastics and lots of other work based around many sports. The children learnt so much about Olympic Sports in one day.

Follow these links to watch videos from the day.

Year 2 karate

Year 2 Eventing

Rhythmic Gymnastics Reception

Year 3 Break dancing

Sponsored Fitness Challenge

The whole school also took part in a sponsored fitness challenge, run by double Commonwealth Gold medalist and Olympic Coach, Leon Baptiste. Leon also gave an inspirational assembly to the school telling us about his highs and lows in Athletics.

The total sponsor money raised was £1969.60, with £1178 going to Sports for Champions and £791.60 going to the school. We will be using the funds for playground equipment and other enrichment activities in school.

We would like to say a massive “Thank you,” to all of the pupils, parents and their family and friends for supporting the school with the fundraising.

Please read the Reading Round-Up newsletter from the spring term by following this link.

Reading Round-Up Newsletter – March 2024


This week, Great Coates pupils took part in two inter-school sports events.
On Tuesday 16th April, Year 4,5 and 6 pupils took part in the inter-schools cross country tournament at Weelsby. The weather was cold, wet and windy however the children took part enthusiastically in the event and made the staff there very proud. On Thursday 18th April, a team of pupils took part in New Age Kurling event at Oasis Academy Wintringham. It was a very close competition and our team won the award for the most passionate team. They did incredibly well with a sport which was new to them.

On Friday 8th March, the school took part in World Book Day activities. We all came dressed as Villians and studied the wonderful book ‘Inside the Villains’ by Clotilde Perrin. The children created some amazing work and really enjoyed the book. At the end of the day, the childen visited a different teacher to listen to a book. Thank you to the parents for supporting the day. The children looked fantastic in their outfits.

Follow the links below to see some videos of the incredible work our Year 3 children did for World Book Day.




And here is a wonderful video of the reception children singing a song about wolves.


Some of our classes got the chance this year to take part in video calls with popular children’s authors. Year 2 spoke to Joseph Coelho, Year 3 and 4 spoke to John Green the illustrator.

Harbour Learning Trust have created a fabulous video with children from all over the trust, showing why our children love reading so much. We think our children are the best!

On Friday 15th March, for Red Nose Day, the children raised money by taking part in an assault course in the hall. There were quite a few red faces by the time they had finished but everyone enjoyed themselves, all for a good course. Thank you to the parents and children for their donations and thank you to the student ambassadors, Mrs Brown and Mrs Omon for making it happen.

Year 5 and 6 pupils have taken part in Bikeability with Lincs Inspire in the last two weeks. The pupils have loved it and have all earned their Cycling Proficiency Certificate.

On Tuesday 23rd January, we were visited by the children’s author, Luke Temple. Luke talked to the children about his books and what it is like to be an author. The children were enthralled by his tales of The Blubber Monster, The Secret Theatre and The Poo Monster. The children love his books and on Wednesday many books were bought by the children in his book sale. To find out more about Luke Temple please visit  https://luketemple.co.uk

On Wednesday 13th December our Year 5 children were invited to Healing Secondary School’s Pantomime Performance. The show was absolutely incredible and the children loved it. The children and staff couldn’t stop laughing at the jokes and were very impressed with the performances of some of our past pupils.

On Thursday 14th December, most of the pupils visited the Pantomime. The yearly visit to the pantomime gives our children the opportunity to visit a theatre and see a theatrical performance. The children, as usual, were perfectly well behaved and we had a brilliant time. Thank you to parents for supporting our annual visit to the pantomime.

We have seen some amazing Christmas performances in the last week. On Friday, Nursery were treated to a lovely Nativity Play with traditional carols. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Reception children performed a wonderful Christmas Nativity Play . On Wednesday afternoon, the Year 1 children in Mrs Pollard’s sang beautifully performing Christmas Carols to their parents.  Thank you to all parents who came and supported their children.