Last week the school took part in the NSPCC Kindness and Pantosaurus week.  We had a very special visitor on Friday afternoon when Pantosaurus himself came to visit.  The children heard his story, The Power of Pants and we all danced and sang together with Pantosaurus. Please click in the video link below.


On Tuesday 15th October the school celebrated Black History Month. We were visited by Gaspard from Ivory Coast in the morning and year 1 to year 6 took part in African dance workshops.  Each year group also learnt about different historical figures including Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. The children all got together in the hall to share what they had learnt about the inspirational figures at the end of the day.  Please click the link to see videos of some African dance workshops.




Please click on the link to read this week’s newsletter.



Today the children all celebrated World Mental Health Day. Pupils thought about what makes them happy and discussed what mental health is. Some pupils took part in a mental health assembly. Thank you to parents for supporting the day with yellow outfots.

Today the school celebrated Harvest Festival. We had many very generous donations of food for the local food bank from our parents. The Vicar, James Cartwright, from the Generations Church on the Willows estate,  came to visit the school and watched our Year 6 children lead the celebration and speak to the school about what harvest means. The children learnt about the importance of the potato and each child was even given a packet of crisps! Thank you to Mrs Brown and the year 6 children for organising the celebration.

Today we have celebrated National Poetry Day with many of the children learning and reciting poems. Please watch the videos on Twitter.





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On Tuesday 17th September, the Year 5 and 6 boys football team demonstrated their impressive skills in the Grimsby and Cleethorpes District ESFA tournament. They played 6 matches against schools from all over Grimsby and came second overall. We have qualified for the Humberside Tournament in Hull in November and the Ramsden Cup in March. The tournament was well supported with parents and the boys were models of sportsmanship. Mr Baxter coached the team on the night and was extremely proud of the team. 

We are really proud that we have received an award for our Equal Access in Curriculum and Extra Curricular activities awarded by the Football Association. We always try to get as many children as possible into our clubs and sports events and want to say ‘Thank you” for their support with this.