On December the 8th, the choir visited the Bishop King Church Centre and took part in the local community Nativity, organised by the Freshney Forward Group. The children loved singing for the people of the local  community.

We visited Chatteris House residential home on Monday 11th December to sing Christmas Carols. The residents really enjoyed our singing and the children were amazed when they had a surprise visit from Father Christmas!

An advert has been playing on Lincs Inspire Radio.  This advert highlights Great Coates Primary School. If you would like to listen, look below.

On November 10th the whole school celebrated Diwali for the Day.  The children learnt the story of Diwali, created Diwali art and they all took part in Indian Dance Workshops.

On Thursday 2nd November, Year 5 visited the Victorian School Museum at Barton for a day of learning from the past. They had a great day of learning in a Victorian style.

On 13th November, the school took part in Anti-Bullying Week. Children came to school  dressed in odd socks and learnt that everyone is different and that we need to be accepting of each other’s differences.

On November 9th, we had a visit from the Imagination Theatre company who performed Wind in The Willows. The whole school watched a wonderful performance and some of the children even took part in the play, playing rats and the police.  The children loved the performance and then completed some amazing work about the story.

On 10th October, the whole school celebrated World Mental Health Day. We all dressed up in something yellow to mark the day. The children took part in many activities and discussions, including what makes us unique, how to talk about mental health to others, how to improve our mental health and who you can go to for help.

We would like to say a big ‘Hello’, to our new attendance mascot, Harold. Harold will visit classrooms in the school when they have great attendance. Children who improve their attendance will have a chance to visit Harold.

We have also been promoting good attendance with lights outside each classroom door. Every day the light will be turned to red, amber or green according to the attendance for the class. All of the classes are trying hard to be green every day and Harold is visiting them when they are green.

The pupils have voted for their new student ambassadors. The student ambassadors allow the pupils in school to have a say on many issues and make an impact on school life. This week they have already been thinking about ways to improve playtimes and lunchtimes.

Mrs Wood has chosen new reading ambassadors to support pupils throughout the school with reading. The reading ambassadors visited the beautiful, new reading shed which is located near the playground. The children will be using the reading shed to enjoy reading during lunchtime and playtime.