For Information about what we have been learning in school, please follow our X (Twitter) pages.
Curriculum Rationale and Vision
The rationale for the curriculum at Great Coates is inspired by and reflects the values of Harbour Learning Trust – DANCE.
Delight and Joy
We inspire greatness in every child and equip them with the academic achievements, life skills and personal attributes to lead happy, safe, successful lives.
Here at Great Coates Primary School, we provide our pupils with a broad, rich and balanced curriculum, which promotes the spiritual, moral, mental, cultural and physical development of pupils. It is planned to enable our pupils to gain a breadth of essential knowledge, understanding and social skills; thus enabling our pupils to be ready for the next stage of learning. SMSC and the teaching of British Values are woven and intertwined through the curriculum.
We want our pupils to be challenged to imagine possibilities beyond their own experience. Above all, our curriculum is designed to help every single child to achieve ‘Success and Happiness’ and to be the best they can be in all areas of their lives.
Subject leaders have planned a coherent and sequential curriculum around the needs of the children in our school. They support teachers to deliver our curriculum with confidence and passion. The curriculum is broad in providing many and varied opportunities for all children, whatever their needs or interests. All subjects are carefully planned and taught, using a clear progression of knowledge and skills, which builds on previous learning and encourages deep thinking. We ensure the coverage in our curriculum is relevant and purposeful for our pupils.
Teaching uses a variety of strategies including whole class, collaborative group work, pairs and individuals. We place a strong focus on the development of children’s basic skills. Reading is prioritised as it is essential for all other learning.
Each overarching theme for a term or half term is centered around high quality literary texts to develop children’s mastery and enjoyment of the English language. Across all subjects, lessons are sequenced to ensure that previous learning is built on, developed and deepened. Previous teaching is reviewed regularly so that pupils’ learning is reinforced and children remember what they have been taught. Children are encouraged to articulate their learning and to understand how this is relevant to their lives.
As well as the taught curriculum within classes, we believe in enriching our children’s lives with a range of activities to give them further opportunities.
In our Global Events Calendar, pupils will meet themes which will prepare them as citizens e.g Black History, and further develop their cultural capital. We offer a range of after-school clubs, so we can offer our pupils more experience of the things they are interested in.
Also, throughout the year, the pupils take part in a programme of yearly planned events which will give them more experience of a wide range of activities. E.g. trips, author visits, inter-school sporting events, Safer Internet day, Empathy day.
We adapt lessons, in order for all pupils to achieve to their full potential. Our pupils come from a range of backgrounds and many have varying needs. Our adaptive curriculum document identifies how we make adjustments for different areas of need. Our teachers know their pupils well so that they can support pupils to access the curriculum and excel.
The impact of our curriculum is measured in terms of the extent to which pupils have developed new knowledge, understanding and skills. Assessment of core and non-core subject pupil attainment shows that pupils learn well in our school regardless of their starting point.
The impact of our curriculum is demonstrated by the following results.
In the 2024 Year 6 SATs our pupils’ results were well above the National Average with 86% of our pupils meeting the combined expected standard. 91% of our pupils met the expected standard in maths. 89% of pupils met the expected standard for reading.
Our results for pupil premium children were also well above the National Expectation and in line with our non-pupil premium children. 88% of pupil premium children met the combined expected standard. 92% of disadvantaged children met the expected standard in maths and 92% of disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard in reading.
In Year 6 SATS 29% of our pupils on the SEND register met the combined standard.
In 2024, 62% of pupils in Foundation Stage reached a Good Level of Development.
In the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 2024, 70% of pupils achieved above 75%.
In the Phonics Screening Check in Year 1 in 2024, 81% of pupils passed the screening check.
Attendance for all pupils in 2023-24 was 95.4%. Above the National Percentage of 92.4% for the school year .
In a recent pupil survey:
94% of pupils said that the school encourages them to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.
93% of pupils said they’d recommend our school to a friend moving to the area.
93% of pupils said that bullying is not a problem at school and that if it does happen teachers deal with it well.
90% of pupils said that there is an adult they can talk to if something is worrying them.
88% of pupils said that the school encourages pupils to take care of their emotional and mental health.
90% of parents thought their child does well at school.
Pupil Voice
Here are some of the views of our pupils about our Curriculum.
“I really like PE. My favourite thing was when we learnt how to play hockey. You can learn good skills and it’s great when you get better at things.” Oscar (Y5)
“In History, I have loved learning about Boudicca and the countries she’s conquered” Audrey (Y4)
“If I find something difficult my teacher helps me with my resilience and I try again” Lexy (Y4)
“ I love RE because you get to learn about other people’s religions. “ Marnie (Y5)
“ I like science because I like doing experiments.” Macie (Y5)
“When I’ve got a problem I speak to an adult with the worry monster on their lanyard.” Macie (Y5)
“Mrs Billingham helps me when I have a problem, if you’ve got a problem she will take you to her office where it is quiet and will listen to your problem and then try and solve it.” (Y5)
“ The school gives you a good education and challenges you to do better.” Eden (Y5)
“ I love Art. I like it when we learn about an artist and then use their ideas in our own work. You can get better at painting. “Alicja (Y2)
“ I like Maths. I like to solve hard questions and I like it when I get a challenge right. I’m good at doing times tables in my head fast. “Bobby (Y2)
Other achievements
We had two published poets this year in Year 4 in the Nature poem competition with Little Panda Press Competition
For 2 years running in the Key Stage 1 North East Lincolnshire Inter Schools Sports Championships one of our pupils has been the highest scoring boy in the competition.
In 2022 we were a featured school on the Anti-Bullying Week Official Promotional Video – Reach Out.
In July 2024, we took part in the Times Tables Rock Stars Spelling Competition, we got through to the National Final and came 8th overall.
In 2024, our Year 5 and 6 boys football team got through to the English Schools Football Association Finals in Hull and the Grimsby Schools Ramsden Cup.
Our pupils’ achievements throughout all areas of the curriculum are celebrated daily on our X (Twitter) pages.
Please use the links below to find out more information.
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